Publications and posters
Scientific Validity
P-score in preoperative biopsies accurately predicts P-score in final pathology at radical prostatectomy in patients with localized prostate cancer.
Röbeck et al. March 2023 Prostate, PubMed.
Improving the prediction of prostate cancer overall survival by supplementing readily available clinical data with gene expression levels of IGFBP3 and F3 in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded core needle biopsy material.
Z. Peng et al. January 2016. PLoS One.
Validation of the prognostic value of a three-gene signature and clinical parameters-based risk score in prostate cancer patients.
A. Saemundsson et al. March 2023 Prostate, PubMed.
An expression signature at diagnosis to estimate prostate cancer patient’s overall survival.
Z. Peng et al. March 2014. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases.
A novel risk score (P-score) based on a three-gene signature, for estimating the risk of prostate cancerspecific mortality.
Söderdahl et al. May 2022. Research and Reports in Urology.
Operator dependent choice of prostate cancer biopsy has limited impact on a gene signature analysis for the highly expressed genes IGFBP3 and F3 in prostate cancer epithelial cells.
Z. Peng et al. October 2014. PLoS One.
Clinical Performance
P-score in preoperative biopsies accurately predicts P-score in final pathology at radical prostatectomy.
Röbeck et al. AUA 2022, NUF 2022.
Can Prostatype test system improve prognostic evaluation for metastasis and death in prostate cancer, a validation study.
A. Saemundsson et al. EAU 2020, AUA 2021.
Validation of a three gene signature based-risk score for predicting distant metastasis in Chinese prostate cancer patients — a retrospective pilot study.
S. Zhang et al. CSCO 2022.
Scientific Validity
Prostatype förbättrar prognostisk av metastasering och död i prostatacancer.
A. Saemundsson et al. Urologidagarna 2019, Västerås Sweden.
Validering av en prognostisk 3-genssignatur för patienter med nydiagnostiserad prostatacancer.
Z. Peng et al. Urologidagarna 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.
A novel risk score (P-score) based on a 3-gene signature for survival prognosis of newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients.
Z. Peng et al. European Urology Supplements 2018.
Validation of a 3-gene signature and development of an authentic cohort database to improve overall survival prediction and clinical treatment decision for patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer.
C. Li, et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2016. ASCO 2016.
A novel risk score (p-score) based on a 3-gene signature for estimating risk of prostate cancer specific mortality.
C. Li, et al. Journal of Urology, 2018. American Urological Association 2018.
A prostate cancer expression signature to predict survival benefit of primary hormone therapy.
C. Li et al. Annals of Oncology 2012. ESMO 2012, Vienna, Austria.